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How to Develop Initiatives for Youth Drug Treatment – Opinion

10 Ideas for Advancing Youth Drug Treatment - Abdirahman Ibrahim

Drug Abuse is increasingly becoming a menace in the society and especially among the young people.

Statistics from the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse portray worrying numbers on youths addicted to various drugs such as alcohol, cannabis, khat, tobacco and hard drugs with rising numbers being put on the record each year.

The rising numbers in drug abuse among the youth can be attributed to factors such as unemployment, lack of positive outlets for youth for escape and socialization, poverty, peer pressure and the perception of drugs as a “quick fix” for problems.

An increase in these situations as the young people venture into adulthood is the ultimate cause of such concerning numbers.

Drug Abuse among the young people does not come without consequences. Disruption of education, health problems and turning to crime are the more immediate consequences.

Parents have the greatest impact on shaping their young ones’ attitudes to alcohol and future drugs and substance abuse behavior. Photo/ Courtesy

Ultimately, the results often seen are broken families and homes and societal implications in that the communities growth becomes stunted.

The Kenyan government, through the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA), has undertaken several initiatives.

Public awareness campaigns are done on the regular through radio, television, and community outreach programs to educate youth about the dangers of drug use.

NACADA also works with schools to integrate life skills programs that foster resilience and equip students with positive coping mechanisms. Additionally, rehabilitation centres offer support for those seeking to overcome addiction.

There are some challenges as well to these efforts. Enforcement of existing laws against drug trafficking is often inconsistent.

Addressing the root causes of drug abuse, such as poverty and lack of opportunity, requires an extensive approach involving economic empowerment initiatives and the creation of safe spaces for youth engagement.

Even if you use tobacco-free shisha, the smoke still produces harmful levels of toxins which can be either just as bad for you or even more harmful than smoke from tobacco-based shisha. Photo/ NACADA

Community involvement is crucial. Religious institutions, local leaders, and NGOs can play a crucial role in creation of forums that allow open dialogue about drug abuse and providing a support system for vulnerable youth.

Technology is also a key player that presents both challenges and opportunities. For instance, social media is often a breeding ground for misinformation and glorification of drug use.

However, it can be harnessed for positive messaging and peer support networks.

Call Nacada Kenya free helpline service number “1192” for telephone counseling and referrals to an accredited treatment and rehabilitation facility near you. Photo/ NACADA

Handling drug abuse among Kenyan youth calls for consistent efforts. Government efforts through NACADA are commendable, but further sustained action is needed.

Investing in education, creating opportunities, and empowering communities are critical to freeing young people from drug abuse.

The opinion piece reflects the views of the author and does not necessarily represent the opinions or views of Garissa Today or its affiliates.