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OPINION: Silent Leaders Amplify Suffering Garissa Township Residents in Exacerbates Flood Crisis – GCHRWG

Garissa – As the floods ravage the region, leaving over 10,000 people displaced and thousands without the basic necessities of food and shelter, it is disheartening to witness the apparent absence of support from our elected representative, Garissa Township MP Rtd. Maj. Dekow. While his constituents grapple with the harsh realities of this disaster, Maj. Dekow’s absence from the affected areas is both perplexing and deeply concerning.

As a humanitarian crisis unfolds before our eyes, it is imperative that those in positions of power take swift and decisive action to alleviate the suffering of the affected population. The legislator’s continued residence in his lavish home in Nairobi, seemingly disconnected from the plight of his people, is a stark reminder of the urgent need for accountable and responsive leadership.

The October-November-December 2023 climate forecast, as confirmed by the Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD) and other partners, predicts prolonged and intensified rainfall in Southern Ethiopia, Eastern Kenya, and Southern Somalia. This forecast exacerbates the already dire situation, given the aftermath of a two-year severe drought in the region.

Vulnerable populations, including children, the elderly, women, chronically ill individuals, persons with disabilities (PWDs), and people living with face heightened risks of neglect and other protection issues. The surge in sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) adds another layer of complexity to the challenges faced by these vulnerable groups.

The water levels in Garissa have reached critical levels. Photo/ KRS

The disruption of local markets, compounded by the destruction of crops, livestock, and impassable roads, has created a domino effect on the supply and demand of essential goods and foodstuff. The consequences are clear — a looming threat of inflation in prices and the daunting challenge of accessing these crucial goods.

The Impact of the floods on health is a dual menace. Firstly, the increased risk of waterborne and vector-borne diseases looms large due to the destruction of sanitation facilities and water source contamination. Secondly, the impassable roads hinder access to nutritious food, leading to elevated risks of nutrition-related diseases, especially among the most vulnerable populations.

In this time of crisis, the responsibility lies not just with humanitarian organizations but also with our elected representatives. Major Dekow must recognize the urgency of the situation and immediately mobilize resources, both human and material, to support the displaced and mitigate the unfolding disaster.

As a united community, we must demand accountability from our leaders and insist on actions that prioritize the well-being of our fellow citizens over personal comforts. The time for political posturing is over; the time for decisive action is now. Our collective humanity demands no less.

The area leader’s conspicuous absence during this critical time amplifies the challenges faced by the flood-affected population, transforming a natural disaster into a man-made crisis. The absence of a key political figure, especially one entrusted with representing the interests of Garissa Township, has a crippling effect on the overall response and recovery efforts.

Without the MP’s active involvement, the coordination required to address the immediate needs of the displaced population is hindered, slowing down the delivery of essential services.

His failure to physically stand with his constituents during this challenging period not only leaves a leadership vacuum but also fosters a sense of abandonment among those desperately in need.

As we grapple with the aftermath of the floods, the presence and active involvement of their elected representative are not just expected but imperative for a robust and resilient recovery.

Mr. Hassan Aden Gumo is the chairman of Garissa County Community Development Watchdog. 

The opinion piece reflects the views of the author and does not necessarily represent the opinions or views of Garissa Today or its affiliates.