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Second highest rate of COVID-19 infections in the country as of yesterday

Yesterday afternoon the ministry of health led by Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe informed Kenyans that 1,609 new cases were detected in the last twenty four hours out of 7,176 blood culture samples that were tested. This comes at a whooping 22.4% of all the tested samples which is as of now the second highest rate of infections since the start of the pandemic back in 2019.

This comes after the new Omicron variant was detected on Wednesday. The spike in infection rate is suspected to be as a result of increase in travel plans in the country but some also point to the new variant as the culprit behind it.

Three fatalities were reported as well. The ministry is urging Kenyans to take all the precautionary required to curb this new threat to our national safety. Be sure to follow all COVID-19 guidelines as specified by the ministry.